Partial Dentures

Close the Gaps with Partial Dentures

Patients missing one or several teeth can turn to partial dentures to complete their smile and close the gaps in their mouth. Not only does this come with aesthetic benefits, but it can also help restore proper form and function in your mouth.

If even one tooth is missing, your other teeth can begin to shift, along with your bite pressure. But with partial dentures, your dental structures and tissues remain engaged and properly positioned. Partial dentures can provide you with a relatively inexpensive fix for your missing teeth and help you smile with more confidence than ever before.

Are you ready to find out if partial dentures are the right path forward for you? Call us 253-478-2163 today to book a free consultation at our Puyallup denture clinic, where we can discuss all of the denture options available to you.

Partial denture

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are partial dentures?

Unlike full dentures that replace all of your teeth, partial dentures can fill in the gaps when one or several teeth are missing, but some of your natural teeth still remain. 

How many teeth are in a partial denture?

Some patients get a partial denture for a single missing tooth, while others may have several missing teeth for which they use a partial denture to fill in any gaps. 

Can you eat with partial dentures?

Absolutely! Just keep in mind, it can take some time to get comfortable with eating and speaking with your dentures. To ease into this, we recommend focusing on soft, easy-to-chew foods as you adjust to your denture. It can also be difficult to eat particularly sticky foods, even once you’re used to your denture. For some patients, it is best to avoid these foods altogether.